Publicado en Comms and Strategy, English, Inglés, Technical Writing

What is and how to create Standard Operational Procedures or SOPs

A technical writer creates clear, concise, and accurate documentation to help users understand and utilize complex technical information. This includes manuals, guides, and tutorials aimed at making technical information accessible to diverse audiences.

This article covers what Standard Operational Procedure document is, its benefits, how to create one, and includes an example from my own work.

What are Standard Operational Procedures or SOPs

A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a step-by-step guide that outlines the necessary actions and protocols to perform a specific task or process consistently. SOPs are essential in technical writing, particularly in industries where precision and accuracy are critical, such as engineering, healthcare, and manufacturing. These documents ensure that employees follow standardized procedures, leading to improved efficiency, reduced errors, and compliance with industry regulations. SOPs are typically written in a clear and concise manner, often including visual aids like flowcharts or diagrams to enhance understanding. They serve as valuable resources in both routine and critical operations, providing a reliable reference for employees to perform their tasks correctly and safely.

The screenshot below presents an example of this type of deliverable:

SOP structure in digital format using the Confluence tool of Atlassian. (In this case, the procedure portrays how to create Google OU.
Procedural step-by-step instructions using screenshots.

Who is the audience of this type of deliverable?

Companies that are required to comply with Information Security (InfoSec) laws, norms, or standards, may be looking to get certified in ISO27001 or SOC2 (to name some examples). These require all processes to be documented – And not all processes or procedures are the same! Technical Writing is the art of knowing how to create documentation that is not only compliant in form, but also functional to the company to make it better for the clients, users, auditors, and employees. Similarly to other deliverables mentioned before, SOPs help in case of a new hire entering the project, keeping the intellectual property in the company helping business continuity, handing processes over to new responsible parties, etc.

If you need a skilled technical writer to transform complex information into clear, accessible content, I can help achieve your communication goals and ensure users have the information they need.

Reach Out Today: Let’s discuss how I can assist with your next technical writing project, whether it’s software documentation, a white paper, an instructional manual, or other technical content. I’m ready to bring my expertise to your team.




Comunicadora y programadora front-end. Me salen palabras hasta por los oídos, pero en mi defensa: algunas cosas tienen que decirse así sea gritando.

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